Office: EME B49 (map)

Thomas Gilray

Computer Scientist
Associate Professor at Washington State University

My research focuses on the design and implementation of scalable systems for reasoning about code. I work on foundations of tunable, correct-by-design program analysis and on declarative logic-programming languages that help to bridge the gap between specifying such reasoning systems and implementing them in a scalable parallel manner. Recently, my work has focused on improving the expressivity of Datalog and on how to accelerate such languages on supercomputers and using GPUs. More broadly, I am very interested in compilers, verification, optimization, and programming language design and implementation. Please reach out if you want to chat! I am looking to hire a PhD student and a Postdoc.


  • I have moved to Washington State University in Pullman, WA, starting Fall 2024. I am hiring!
  • The HARP lab, with key collaborators at WSU, OSU, and UT, has won a PPoSS (Principles and Practice of Scalable Systems) Large award from the NSF, to develop Slog and related techniques into a full-stack approach to modern declarative programming. This ~$5M award will provide reliable support to roughly ten PhD students and seven faculty for its five year duration. Read more ↠
  • The HARP lab has won a PPoSS (Principles and Practice of Scalable Systems) planning-grant award from the NSF, to develop a Large proposal on scaling Datalog-based compute platforms like Slog. See our preprint on the Slog language for more details.
  • The HARP lab has won an award, through subcontract with Galois, inc., to work on the DARPA V-SPELLS program: Verified Security and Performance Enhancement of Large Legacy Software. We will be exploring the use of AI-based programming languages for reasoning about code at scale—in the cloud and on supercomputers. Read more ↠